Creator Coin Collective

Creator Coin Collective (C3) is a startup pioneering creative collaboration in the web3 era via open IP infrastructure. Creativity is the foundation of culture, and the internet is one of the most powerful creative tools in history. Despite the plethora of content creation on the internet however, creators struggle to grow and protect the value of their intellectual property. C3 provides the tools for creatives to document, protect, and remix their IPs.
As the Product Designer, I worked on the C3 creator tool from early stage research up to MVP launch. I also designed the C3 landing page and co-designed the brand identity.
Product Design
12 weeks
1 Designer 2 Developers 2 Legal 1 PM
This project is still in the works, and I'm unable to publish a full case study until after launch. For now, please enjoy an abbreviated version below :)

problem identification

The process of protecting creative IP is overly-complex and inefficient.

The traditional IP model is both confusing and slow, and there is no centralized tool to track the lifecycle of an IP as it evolves across mediums and platforms. As a result, creators cannot easily protect their works, receive attribution when deserved, or successfully remix their IP with other creators.

final Product

A single tool to register, protect, and remix creative works.

Working with the team at C3, I designed a tool that tracks the full lifecycle of an IP and facilitates frictionless licensing and remixing of works among creators. The platform creates a localized and streamlined experience for creators to register IPs, add protective licenses, and share & collaborate with other creators. Through C3, anyone can protect and capture the true value of their creative work(s).
Work Registration. Creators can upload their work to the C3 platform and attach custom licenses and royalty contracts to it to protect their IP and set up monetization streams.
License Table. After a user registers a creative work, they can access and edit the license, royalty contract, and version history.
NFT marketplace. Users' uploaded work is viewable in the C3 NFT marketplace. The marketplace can be viewed as a thumbnail grid (above) or list format (see image below).
NFT marketplace. Users can view other community members' creative works and purchase them as NFTs.
Connect wallet (for purchases)

Visual Identity

A creative and dynamic visual identity.

The Creator Coin Collective (C3) visual identity introduces a dynamic yet elegant UI that resonates with its vision of fostering a vibrant and open creator community. Incorporating a mix of pinks, oranges, and purples as well as two gradient variations, the C3 visual identity embodies creative elegance while leaving a bold and fresh impression.
Plus Jakarta Sans
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Plus Jakarta Sans
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Let's make something special.