Frontida Records

Frontida Records is a nonprofit building accessible healthcare technology for underserved communities around the globe.
During the summer of 2022, I served as the in-house designer on the Frontida marketing team, working on a variety of initiatives, including (1) a new website, (2) social media guidelines and templates, (3) a brand refresh, and (4) brand training modules. Following implementation, Frontida's following increased by 400% on Instagram & 20% on LinkedIn. Additionally, the monthly website visitors grew by 7%.
Lead Designer Marketing Specialist
Web Design & Development Social Media Design Brand Identity
8 weeks
1 Designer
The Frontida Records website design was implemented in Webflow by myself and Christian Matthew

Project Goals

Establishing a cohesive web presence for a SaaS nonprofit.

The goal in rebranding Frontida Record's web presence was to allow both the innovative product and the nonprofit’s mission & impact to shine. The new site balances a SaaS design style with a nonprofit-driven narrative, catering to both clients and donors.

Brand Audit

An audit of Frontida's existing web presence revealed inconsistent applications of the brand on social media and severe technical formatting issues on the website.

In addition to documenting Frontida's social media presence through a collection of screenshots (like that seen on the left below), I also recorded a short video and voice overview of the live website (seen on the right below), highlighting problem areas and recommendations for moving forwawrd.
Audit of Frontida's web presence before the brand, web, and social media overhaul.

the Web design process

From design to development: the Figma to Webflow pipeline.

Following the website audit, I moved the team into Figma, beginning with low-fidelity wireframes to map out significant changes to the site architecture and content. From there, I developed medium and high fidelity wireframes, receiving feedback and each stage for the future iterations, ultimately leading up to the implementation in Webflow.
Some of the low-fidelity wireframes, mapping out ideas for restructuring the site and adding/removing content.
High-fidelity wireframes in Figma, showing the general visual styling, user flows, and website content. Photographs and product mockups were excluded at this stage as Frontida was currently redesigning their product and developing a new repository of company images as well (to be included in the final site design).

Final Web Design

A SaaS design style with a nonprofit-driven narrative.

The goal in rebranding Frontida Record's web presence was to allow both the innovative product and the nonprofit’s mission & impact to shine. The new site balances a SaaS design style with a nonprofit-driven narrative, catering to both clients and donors. Following launch, the new website saw a 7% growth in monthly visitors.
Simple animations were incorporated throughout the site to contribute to a seamless and modernized feel.

Social Media Design

Creating a streamlined content creation process and unifying Frontida's online presence across platforms.

Social media templates were also created following the branding and website overhaul, facilitating a cohesive brand image across platforms and a streamlined process for content creation. A new focus on human interaction and real-life imagery was emphasized in the social media guidelines, with the goal of humanizing the brand and increasing engagement across posts. Following the new social media guidelines, engagement on Instagram nearly doubled. Additionally, Frontida's instagram following increased by 400%.
Enter some text

Brand Refresh

A SaaS design style with a nonprofit-driven narrative.

A new brand guideline was created to implement the new design recommendations and facilitate consistent use of the brand assets across digital media and print. A series of video tutorial guides were also created as part of brand training program initiative, deployed the following month.
Made in Plasmic