Tilly Legal Chatbot

Tilly is an IP matchmaker and consultant created in partnership with Technology-Innovation-Law (T-I-L), a social impact law firm. Tilly is a legal chatbot designed to minimize both confusion and cost for creatives and entrepreneurs from underserved communities who wish to protect and monetize their work.
As the product designer, I created a comprehensive UI system, managed end-to-end product development (from ideation to a finalized MVP build scope), and designed high-fidelity mockups for the Tilly platform.
Visual Identity Product Design
3 weeks
1 Designer 1 Developer 1 PM

Product Design

A legal chatbot designed to minimize confusion and cost for creatives and entrepreneurs who wish to protect and monetize their work.

The Daedalus visual identity introduces a playful yet sleek UI, which captures a sense of innovation while not being overly isolating or aloof—a key quality for this community-centric platform. Incorporating greens and gradients, the color palette conveys a sense of motion and growth, mirroring the brand image of creative, innovative thinking.
The Tilly interface was designed mobile-first but is both mobile and desktop friendly.
Onboarding a new user to Tilly
Tilly's default chat includes a selection of pre-written prompts, reducing the cognitive load on users by providing starting points for conversations. This feature is expansive and exploratory as the user is able to continuously generate "more ideas" for discussion topics. Once a chat is initiated, the user is still able to access this prompting tool in the "Discover" tab.
In the "Resources" section, users are able to further explore legal conversation topics from a wide range of internet sources.
In the navigation menu, users are also able to view and share previous chats, provide feedback on Tilly, and learn more about the company values and mission.

Visual Identity

Compassionate, professional, and warm.

The Tilly platform's visual identity introduces a friendly, professional UI, which captures a sense of warmth and compassion while still maintaining a sense of regality and polish. Incorporating purple-orange gradients, the color palette complements the platform's sister product, Creator Coin Collective (C3), and ties together the collective group of T-I-L's product offerings (the law firm associated with both Tilly and C3).
Let's make something special.
Made in Plasmic